Amesbury Bowls Club

Coaching & Marking

Club Coaches

Coaching is an important part of any sport. A good coach organises, inspires, educates, and supports players to reach their potential.  This experience will look and feel different for bowlers depending on where they are in their playing journey.

The aim of our Coaches is to teach the basic methods of bowling, including, setting up the rink, position on the mat, stance, grip and finally bowl delivery. In addition, the coach will teach you the basic rules and good etiquette of the game.

Coaching is also available to more experienced bowlers who wish to improve their game.

In May Amesbury Bowls Club hold a new bowler open day at the club, where individuals or a group can come along and give Lawn Bowls a try. Alternatively, come down to the club to speak with an existing member or contact the Club Secretary; Julie Mitchell at  email hidden; JavaScript is required

If you are interested in becoming a qualified Bowls Coach or attend one of the courses listed below, then please speak with the Club Secretary who will be able to advise what funding support is available. For more information on becoming a Coach visit:

A list of available courses are show below:

Level 1 Qualification in Coaching Bowls

Level 2 Qualification in Coaching Bowls

Level 3 Qualification in Coaching Bowls

First Aid Training

Basic Safeguarding Children and Young People

Adult Safeguarding in Bowls

Safeguarding: Time to Listen

Supporting Inclusion: Including Disabled People in Bowls

Mentoring Module

Dementia Friends Awareness

Directing a Visually Impaired Bowler (VIBE)

Club Markers

When playing in a Singles match whether it be a Club, or a County Competition a Marker must be used. The challenger is expected to arrange the marker who acts as a match official and is impartial.

The Marker when asked, determines which player has the shot, accurately estimates, and indicates distances. They also mark touchers, centres the Jack and makes sure that the Rules are adhered to, and the scorecard is completed correctly.

Markers need to be qualified or an experienced bowler who understands the rules of the game and are available to support his/her fellow bowling members. Listed below are those members who have attended training, although many other club members are very experienced and able to mark.

 Name Course
J. Rowe
EBUA Club Marker

Attended EBUA Markers Course + EBUA

Member undergoing working Assessment

to become a Regional Marker

J. Mitchell
Club Marker

Attended a recognised EBUA Markers Course

D. Rowe
R. Canham
Club Marker

Trained by a Club Member who

has attended an EBUA Markers Course









S. Dales
J. Gillingham
J. Homer (Jenny)
J. Homer (John)
J. Kirkbride
D. Oliver
K. Sanders
T. Smykowski
P. Thomas
N. Tincknell
S. Wilkinson

If you are interested in becoming a Club, Regional or National Marker and/or Umpire, then please speak with the Club Secretary who will be able to advise what funding support is available. For more information on becoming a Marker or Umpire visit:

Marking – Rules & Tips

This note only covers the basics of marking bowls and is not comprehensive. Please familiarise yourself with the official rule book, Laws of the Sport Crystal Mark (Latest Version).

Your Equipment
Carry the minimum equipment with you on the green. Normally you will only need the following items:

  • Chalk spray and / or chalk
  • A box measure
  • Three or four wedges
  • A pen or pencil is essential for completing the scorecard
  • A coin to start the game or start of sets
  • Wristwatch with a second hand or digital second timer
  • Scorecard in a scorecard holder
  • Do not carry items that could easily be displaced or will be a distraction, especially mobile telephones
  • Extra equipment such as callipers can be found in the club’s umpire box

Where to Stand During the Game

  • After you have checked the mat is centred and the jack has been delivered, centre the jack & check the length is legal. If in doubt measure the length
  • You should not obstruct a player’s view of any legal markers they may use on the bank; however, you should be in a position where you can view and act upon anything that happens at the head
  • The ideal position is 2 metres to the rear and 2 metres to one side of the jack
  • Remember not to move when a player is on the mat ready to deliver their bowl
  • Ensure that you are always alert and try to anticipate questions so that you have answers ready

Questions about the Head

  • Only answer questions to the player in possession of the rink
  • You must answer specific questions, do not answer questions that have not been asked
  • However, you should provide enough information to avoid further questioning and to avoid misleading the player
  • Equally do not elaborate too much and do not give the player instructions

Moving Bowls

  • Never move any bowl except for the one declared ‘dead’ – these should be removed before the next bowl is delivered.
  • Do not stop or catch bowls which are about to enter the ditch, even it looks as though they may disturb another bowl or the jack in the ditch. Let them fall – ensuring that you know the position of any bowl or jack that would need replacing if it were to be moved

Completion of an End

  • Keep out of the head while the players decide the result.
  • Both players should agree the result
  • Under NO circumstance should a marker move a bowl at the completion (real or perceived) of an end
  • If you are asked to measure ensure that you know which bowls you are being asked to measure, and request the players remove, where practicable, all bowls not in contention. Don’t measure unless asked
  • Have wedges to hand if there is a leaning bowl that may be in the count
  • If a measure is too close to decide, players can measure or call in an umpire. If no umpire is available ask an experienced player to measure. An umpire or acting umpire decision is final
  • Only indicate the bowl you believe is shot after completing your measure. DO NOT move it as the players may wish to call in the umpire for confirmation

Calling in the Umpire during an official match
You must call the umpire in when:

  • Using a box measure you cannot decide which bowl is shot
  • ​A jack may have been cast less than 23 metres and you need to assist the umpire in using the 30-metre tape
  • The distance between the jack and the bowl is less than 15cm or greater than 100cm. In the case of the former the umpire will use the callipers and for the latter you will assist him in the use of the box measure or string measure
  • The bowl may have been cast less than 14 metres from the mat line and you will need to assist the umpire in using the 30-metre tape
  • A jack may have come to rest less than 20 metres when measured in a straight line from the centre of the mat line. You need to assist the umpire in using the 30-metre tape
  • A bowl may be outside the boundary of the rink
  • Clarification is required on the rules of the game.


  • Make yourself familiar with the layout of the card before the game starts
  • Use a scorecard holder if you are comfortable carrying them during a game. Otherwise keep the card securely in a pocket
  • Never have the scorecard poking out the top of a jacket or shirt pocket. Make sure that the pen or pencil cannot fall out of your pocket
  • Ensure that the players’ names are entered correctly on the card, do this when you introduce yourself to the players
  • ​Be familiar with the colour of each player’s stickers and each player’s side of both the scorecard and scoreboard
  • Record the score at the completion of each end played. Make sure that the scoreboard and the scorecard are aligned
  • Check every three ends or so to ensure that the scorecard has been accumulated correctly

At the End of the Game
When the game has been completed, you should:

  • Congratulate the winning player and commiserate with the loser
  • Check the scorecard contains the correct scores and the total is entered at the bottom
  • Check the scorecards contains the names and signatures of both players
  • Check the scorecard contains the time at which the game was completed
  • Check the scorecard is handed to the umpire (if there is one) who shall check and sign it and who will hand it to the competition organizer